What's the deal with Minimalism?
Basically, the minimalist lifestyle is about living with less. It's a step away from modern consumerism. But do not worry, it's not just for hippies and vanlifers. Anyone can practice minimalism. It's really very simple. It's an intentional act and a conscious decision to minimize your possessions, reduce unnecessary clutter, and put an end to impulsive purchases. In other words, it's a reminder that there's more to life than material possessions.
How to Get Started?
Do you have any questions? Do not worry! You do not have to go crazy and throw out everything at once. Actually, it's more realistic to start slowly. This will help you create a healthy lifestyle as opposed to a one-time purge. Here are a few easy ways to get started.
Get Rid of Duplicates
An easy way to start decluttering is by going through your home and getting rid of duplicate items you don’t use. The kitchen is a good place to start. Sort into groups as you go. Some might be ready for the trash but other items can be sold or donated.
Clean Out your Closet
According to the app Cladwell in 1930 the average American only owned 36 items of clothing. Today, the average consumer has over 100 items of clothing, many of which are gathering dust in our wardrobes. Try and take mental stock of what you wear regularly and what you don’t use. Invite friends over and offer them the items you no longer need or donate them to charity. If you’re game, give project 333 project 333 a go – a 3-month challenge where you can only wear 33 items of clothing including shoes and accessories.
Purchase with Intention
Being a minimalist does not mean you're never allowed to buy anything new. It does mean, you should think carefully about what you buy. When shopping, ask yourself, do I really need this? It's totally broken or threadbare.
Invest in high-quality products
With the rise of consumer culture, things are not going to happen in a lot of cases, you get what you pay for. When you want to buy something new, instead of buying something cheap and cheerful, do some research and invest in something that will stand the test of time.