These low-maintenance house plants will freshen up any space!

5 Houseplants that are (practically) Impossible to Kill

12. Okt. 2017 von

These low-maintenance houseplants will freshen up any space, add character to your home, improve your sense of well-being and are near-impossible to kill. How could you go wrong?

Snake Plant

Snake Plant, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or sometimes also known as The Bedroom Plant, is an ideal pot-plant to keep in your bedroom as it converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night, purifying the air while you sleep. This easy to care for plant will add interest to your room with its curious waxy vertically-growing leaves, doesn’t need a lot of light, and is happy with irregular watering. In warm climates, you’ll want to water it once every 2 weeks or so, and during winter months or in cooler climates, once every couple of months. Just be careful, snake plants will rot if you overwater them. Check the soil is dry before watering. These guys are best left to their own devices – perfect for the forgetful plant-owner.

Spider Plant

This is another hardy air-purifying houseplant which requires minimal care. Spider Plants do well in all kinds of climates and can survive in temperatures as low as 35 degrees but prefer warmer climates – ideally between 65 and 90 degrees. Pot your Spider Plant in well-draining soil and position in a place with bright indirect sunlight. Water your Spider Plant occasionally and be sure not to overwater – like Snake Plants, Spider Plants can get root rot if not allowed to dry out enough between watering.

Aloe Vera

This attractive succulent is easy to maintain, requires little watering, and has medicinal properties – use it to soothe mild sunburns or make a nourishing hair or face mask. Aloe Vera likes well-draining, sandy potting mix and sunny conditions but don’t worry - it won’t get burnt and shrivel up if exposed to too much sun! Also, be sure to let the soil dry out between watering.

Money Plant

Easy to grow and beautiful to look at, the Money Plant or Golden Pothos is another powerful air-purifying plant. This leafy plant can withstand low light and likes to dry out between watering. If leaves start to wilt and dry out you’ve left it too long! A word of warning, these leaves are toxic to cats and dogs if consumed so if you have a curious pet, this plant is best kept high up out of reach or completely avoided.


These rosette-shaped succulents are pretty, varied, and extremely low maintenance. Echeveria are drought resistant but do well with regular watering, just don’t overdo it. Pot in well-draining soil, in a bright spot, and let it dry out completely before watering to avoid root rot. And be sure to water the soil, not the rosette. Easy.