4 Nutritional Benefits of Açaí Berries
Açaí is such a fancy word for a berry, isn’t it? It sounds quite exotic, and as little as ten years ago, it was nearly impossible to find outside of Central and South America. It is a dark purple fruit and is traditionally an important food for indigenous people in the southern hemisphere.
Now dried Açaí berries and Açaí juice are sprinkling the shelves of health food stores as they have been touted as a superfood. Why should you consider integrating Açaí berries into your diet? Here are some of the greatest health benefits of Açaí berries.
Packed with Antioxidants
According to the Mayo Clinic, “they may have more antioxidant content than other commonly eaten berries, such as cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries.” Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, which, when they are present in large quantities, can cause cell damage, cell aging, and even cell death.
May Support Heart Health
Açaí contains significant quantities of fiber which helps to control blood cholesterol levels. Too much cholesterol can block healthy blood flow to and from the heart. Açaí also contains healthy Omega-3s, which is also an important heart-health supporter.
May Help Lower the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Açaí berries have an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which could lower oxidative stress and inflammation, thus supporting brain health which also helps improve your memory.
Anti-Cancer Properties
This benefit is thanks to the antioxidants, once again. These antioxidants help to neutralize many of the causes of cancer, thanks to their detoxifying enzymes, promoting the death of cancerous cells, fight against inflammation, and fight against the initial formation of tumors.
On top of all of these benefits, Açaí is incredibly delicious. If you have never tried Açaí before, go for an Açaí fruit bowl for an extra antioxidant boost, or as a puree (you’ll feel like you are eating sorbet!). In general, it is always better to eat the full fruit to get all of the health benefits, rather than in concentrate or pill form.
NOTE: If you are taking concentrated doses of Açaí, be careful not to overdo it. While rare, some people are allergic to Açaí berries and the side effects can be dangerous.